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    Application for Wilderness Field Station 2021

    Welcome to the application for the Wilderness Field Station! We look forward to seeing you at the station.

    All questions must be answered to the best of your ability before your application is considered complete - you will need to complete the form all at once, so check over the list of required materials below before you get started.

    Required materials for this form: personal information, including your social security number; academic information, including your class and GPA; emergency contact information; and contact information for two references. You will also have to write a few paragraphs about your interest in the WFS and your prior experience with camping and being outdoors.

    You will need to complete the following additional requirements within two weeks for your application to be considered. You may have these forms submitted before your application as well:

    1. Dean of Student Signature Form: Direct your Dean of Students or similar college official to this signature page and have them complete and submit the form. This will constitute their signature and support of your application.

    2. Academic Advisor Recommendation: Direct your academic advisor to this form and have them complete and submit the form. 

    3. College Transcript: submit a copy of your transcript from your Registrar to This may be an unofficial transcript.

    Registration is no longer available.